Thursday, March 18, 2010

Laying Low

Wanting to sit like the big kids. . . .

Silas got some kind of stomach bug, and I couldn't keep Zeke away from him. . .no wonder he got sick next!
He is always SO calm when he is sick--it's nice!

Home Sweet Home. . . .almost!

After living in our current apartment for 4 years (end of April), we are moving to a duplex. We are renting out the top half of this house. It is an answer to prayer and it has been so neat to see God open and close doors along the way, as we were looking to BUY at this time last year. We are so excited about a THIRD bedroom, a washer and dryer in our home, (NO MORE QUARTERS!) and a fenced in backyard with TWO climbing trees!!
So, I am up to my eyeballs in boxes, bins and cleaning supplies. We have time to move which is nice, since we don't have to be out until the end of April and we can get in at the beginning of April. I am taking a break from packing tonight so that I can get some blogging done.

Oh, and all that snow is GONE now:)

Normal, Everyday Life

I know he has red-eye. I don't take time to edit my pictures before blogging them. It is accomplishment enough to blog!

Elementary Spring Program

How do they grow up so fast?! How can I possibly have two school-aged children?

Silas in his k-4 classroom trying to keep busy before the program

Sara in her 1st grade classroom in front of the March bulletin board. She turns 7 this month!!

Monday, March 01, 2010

He's just SWEET!

I am still in awe over the amazing gift this little boy has been to our family! Hard to believe we have been on this journey for almost 2 years now!

His smile is infectious!

Focus, Discipline, Respect

Those are just three of the qualities they are stressing in Silas's karate class. We signed Silas up for Karate a couple of weeks ago. We tried this last year through Park and Rec, and we were not impressed. This year, we are trying a place called Dojo Karate near our house as they were running a GREAT deal. Eight lessons and a free uniform for $14.95! He is really doing well, and he really likes it. His instructor is great! The class is structured and under control and yet they have fun. We have been to 5 of our 8 classes and this past Saturday, Silas earned his white belt! It's been great for him to have a way to release some of this pent up energy, especially during the long winter. I am glad we came across this great deal, and encouraged to see Silas so excited and involved each time he goes to class!