Thursday, February 26, 2009

Hands-on Learning

We are just starting to work on learning letters with Silas. Up until now, he has not been interested AT ALL! I needed to find a way to teach the letters, slowly and repetitively, without the usual "tools"--flashcards, puzzles, etc. I bought a big bag of smarties for Silas to use to outline his letters in candy. We are starting with the vowels and doing one letter a week. Last week we started with the letter "A"- upper and lower case. He seems to enjoy doing it, so we will see if he catches on. If anyone has any other good hands-on learning ideas, send them my way!


Morgen said...

Hey Nicki--great idea. I have also printed off the letters on the computer and they fill in the letters with things that start with that letter. C-Cheerios, B-Beads, A--Aluminum foil. Morgen's been doing those off and on. We add one here and there. I'm trying to remember where I got the idea. It also came with a list of ideas to use on each letter.

Unknown said...

Chloe likes making letters out of pretzel sticks. Does Silas like to play on the computer? has some terrific games, songs and visuals for all things letter oriented.

christina said...

this may be a little beyond his age level, but once he's mastered the shape of each letter it would be a fun tool to match sounds. i used to let my first graders write in shaving cream on their desks. i would give them a small squirt and have them smooth it out. then i would show a picture and they had to identify the beginning/ending sound and write the correct letter with their finger. they loved it. you could tweak it to fit his ability and interest.