Thursday, February 11, 2010

Special Delivery

Silas just learned to ride a two-wheeler without training wheels this summer--Exciting thing for a four-year-old! His bike was a very generous gift from our previous landlord, but it was stolen at the end of the summer. Silas has been asking for a new bike for some time now, and even prayed about it a few times. We started pricing bikes and realized that bikes for little boys can be just as expensive as big-kid bikes. . . .Enter Pop-Troy and Mom-mom who offer to buy Silas a new bike for Christmas, one he can grow with for a couple of years. So, we found a good deal on one at and ordered it. Mom-mom sent a note telling Silas she had one more present that she couldn't give him at Christmas because it was too big to send back on the plane. Matt went and picked it up one Saturday afternoon after work and brought it home for Silas after his nap. He was SUPER excited! These pictures were taken while he called to say "thank-you" to Mom-Mom and Pop-Troy for his new bike!

BRIGHT YELLOW--(we named it bumble bee)

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