Saturday, September 04, 2010

School Days

Our school year is going to be rather different this year for several reasons:
1. I now have two in school all day every day
2. This is the first year since Sara has started school that Matt is able to be home with us in the evenings.
3. Sara and Silas are only going to school at Fourth until the end of September.
4. We are moving in October so my children will have a few days off.
5. I will be homeschooling Sara and Silas when we get to Delaware, which will be whole new experience for all of us.

I am very grateful for the opportunity to have Sara and Silas at Fourth this month. I am glad they have some normal routine for a while and some extra time with their friends. Plus, I have enjoyed running errands and packing with just one child for the majority of the day.:)

So excited!

My big helper

Silas and Ella Stamper
(They get to sit at the same table)
My little girl is growing up TOO fast!

2nd grade

Little Man gets Mama all to himself for part of the day!

1 comment:

Erin Neiner said...

HOW ARE YOU DOING???? I see--from Beth's blog--that you are packed up and probably headed across country by now! I can imagine how heart wrenching this time must be for you---the teary good-byes, leaving the house with all the memories the children behold, the familiarity in the forest of unknown. And yet, through it all, we as moms must keep our game face on and hold everything together while worrying about everybody else having a smooth transition. So, I say that all, to say this: Welcome To New England!!! I wish we were a few small states closer, to ensure our paths crossing, but maybe one day at a random convention or gathering, we will. May God use this time in a wonderful way for you and yours.