Thursday, July 19, 2007

Date Night

Okay, so how many of you stay-at-home moms out there think it's funny that we spend the money our husbands' earn to buy them gifts? Yes, there is the argument that it's "our" money, but the fact of the matter is, my husband is the one who works for it, and I always found it irksome that I take money that he worked for, to buy him a gift. I might as well just tell him to go pick something out and wrap it himself. Anyway, it bugs me that I have very little means to "raise" my own money so that I can buy my husband something special for anniversaries, valentines day, etc. So, this year a lady in my church offered to pay me to help her organize, sort, throw away, some things in her storage--I LOVE doing this kind of thing and would love to have a business of it someday, so to me it's not work! I told her she did not have to pay me, but she told me that she wanted me to use the money for Matt's Fathers Day present. Long story short, I surprised Matt and took him to Triple Espresso, a comedy routine in downtown Minneapolis. VERY funny and clean too!! The guy who started the group is a Christian. We had heard great things about these guys, but the tickets can be pricey. I knew we would probably never have an opportunity to do anything like this again, at least not anytime soon since Matt is starting seminary, so I splurged. Matt knew I had a date night planned for Father's Day, but had no idea what we were doing. It was such a fun night and we laughed SO hard together. . . that in and of itself was worth the money!


Jenny said...

Nicki, let me know when your organizational "tour" will be stopping in the Midland area. I have enough organizing to do to keep you busy for weeks. :-)

Unknown said...

What a fun date night! Was Matt very surprised? You should totally market yourself on that organizing racket. Everyone I know (including myself) could certainly use some home organizing! Wouldn't that be an awesome side job?

Matt & Nicki said...

I would love to!! I really do find great joy in organizing. Besides the lady at my church that I helped I have helped two friends of mine "purge" as well.

We had a blast. Matt was surprised, he thought I was taking him to some sporting event. I have seriously considered it as a side job, but I wouldn't know where to begin. I do have a name for "company" though that just came to me one day. . . "Neat-Nick"
Who knows, maybe someday:)