Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Sara's Big-Girl Bike

Living in an apartment can sometimes be hard in the summertime. I loved being outdoors as a kid. Some of my most vivid childhood memories are of me and my brother playing outside together. I loved climbing trees, playing in our homemade forts, swinging on the swings, and riding my bike. I have always wanted my kids to enjoy the outdoors as much as I do and they both love being outside. However, without a yard or a neighborhood, things aren't as easily accessible. So, we take the kids to the park, and go for bike rides in the evenings when we can. Sara just learned to pedal recently b/c she didn't have much opportunity to ride a bike (especially at our last apartment complex). She had pretty much outgrown her tricycle, but was content with riding it on the patio and in the grass when she could. At the start of the summer a family in our church gave us a two-wheeler with training wheels for Sara. I was so excited to have a "big-girl" bike for her. It was not a necessity and I did not want to spend the money on a bike since she did have a tricycle to ride. Well, Sara is loving her big-girl bike. We let her ride around our apartment's turn-around and occasionally when we go for walks on the trails, she rides along on her bike. Maybe, by the end of this summer, we will give it a try WITHOUT the training wheels!

1 comment:

Adrianna said...

You'd do better if you opened your eyes! Giggle!!