Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Journal Entry

I am not one to use my blog for journaling purposes. . .I enjoy journaling and have a journal for each of my children, plus my own personal journals, so if I want to journal, that is usually where I write. However, tonight after our Bible Story (the topic was "what does it mean to be perfect") Sara said, "mommy, I don't like when you talk about going to Heaven forever, it scares me." Why can't I be five forever, I don't know what to think about being older and living in Heaven forever. . .what will we do there? Why can't we just stay here forever?"

WOW! I have struggled with trying to wrap my brain around "forever" for a long time! I remember having very similar conversations with my dad as a child. "Fear of the unknown" I call it.

I told Sara that I have had those same fears. We talked about the alternative (spending forever in hell) and we talked about how wonderful Heaven is going to be and that we can't understand it all. I told her it will be so much better than anything here on earth. Her response was, "Will there be flowers?" I told her I am sure there would be and I told her about the streets of pure gold, the jewels, etc. She asked if there would be food in Heaven and if we would eat there. She said, "I wonder if there will be pretty flowers on the table? It sounds like fun!" I just wanted to scoop her up and give her a big hug. It is times like this where I am reminded that the "mundane" job of mothering is anything BUT mundane!


the J Force said...

It is so amazing how little minds work! You made a great point on the mundane! It's hard to focus on that when we may never see what our "mundane" has done for them. What a treasure they all are!!Thanks for your insight and example!

Jenny said...

Wow, I am so glad you shared that! :-) What a neat conversation!

Unknown said...

Wow, sounds like Sara has quite an inquisitive brain! What a precious moment God gave you with her. Those refreshing times are just what we need to fuel us onward in mommyhood!

Esther said...

Oh, that's great. Seems like you and I have had a similar conversation at some point. Isn't it great to attempt to make it simple - cause really, it is simple (not necessarily easy to understand, but simple none the less). :)

(And fyi - I updated my blog.)