Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Crazed little boy

I can't even remember what caused this response, but his face here is great!


Unknown said...

Wow, he sure looks like Matt! How old is he? I'm wondering when I should let Chloe tackle spoon-eating . . . I'm still afraid she'll fling yogurt all over the place once I give her the spoon-freedom. :)

Matt & Nicki said...

Alicia--I understand--I waited a long time for both my kids to let them feed themselves b/c it was easier to feed them then clean up the mess!! Silas is 22months and STILL makes a mess--my theory--he's a boy! Sara could do cereal with milk by herself at 18 months and NOT make a mess--I guess I'm too much of a neat freak!

Matt & Nicki said...

MOM--I couldn't figure out who he looks like-but with that crazed look--Tony is probably the closest:)