Monday, September 25, 2006


I was busy getting things done in the kitchen and didn't realize Silas had grabbed an apple off the table. When I walked into the dining area he was just chomping away at this apple. There was little bite marks all over one side and he was lovin' it!


Carbo family2 said...

That a boy! Eat your fruit! Your mommy never ate anything!

Matt & Nicki said...

WHAT?!! I LOVE fruit--which is the only thing silas really loves too;) Well, that and sweets. . .Hmmm I wonder where he gets his eating habits?

Adrianna said...

you're being SO unfair. she ate stuff. she just gagged it all up!!

Carbo family2 said...
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Carbo family2 said...

Gag it up or spit it out!
Do we remember the ice tea incident?

Adrianna said...

was that the spaghetti out the nose?

Carbo family2 said...

The ice tea incident was at dad's when I made a certain comment at the dinner table and Nicole laughed so hard that ice tea came out her nose.

I'll need a little help with the spaghetti incident (I remember a fettucini incident).

Matt & Nicki said...

The spaghetti came out of my nose WITH the ice tea-and it hurt! Oh, and by the way- I was the one who got in trouble NOT Tony, even though HE was the one that made the comment!

Adrianna said...

isn't that so funny that i remembered it as the spaghetti incident and tony remembers it as the iced tea incident. i'm pleased to know nicole remembers!! ;-)

Matt & Nicki said...

Of course I remember, "I'm Dan Rather, and I was there!";)

Anonymous said...

What I want to know is what was in the "comment deleted" section?!?

What don't you remember, Nic?!


Matt & Nicki said...

To sum it up--I am the middle child and I get picked on A LOT--apparently people take great pleasure in that. AND like Esther said I DO remember everything and that too is family-wide knowledge. oh, and according to dad- i remember things that didn't even happen!--See I'm picked on AGAIN!;)

Anonymous said...

A memory problem?! When you remember what everybody in chapel at NBBC was wearing on any given day 10 years ago (and, yes, Nic, we have known each other that long!) - that's pretty much a problem! :) What size memory do you get installed anyway? I think I need an upgrade. Maybe I should defrag more regularly!


Matt & Nicki said...

Thanks for the support Molly-we middle children have to stick together.;)

Matt & Nicki said...

Tony,Andi, ME, April, Michael

Tony, ME, Emily

Either way i fall in the middle:)

Anonymous said...

This is not a middle child problem - I too am a middle child. The middle is the best spot - sure, they pick on you, only because they know you can take it. Come on Nic & Molly, don't let it get to you! Stand strong! Take it like the middle child that you are!

Matt & Nicki said...

Can't we just milk this for all we are worth? Come on Esther your supposed to be my friend! Do I sound like a jr. higher yet?:)