Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Fashion Statement?

To my family, who thinks I may be ruining my son. . No, I did NOT do this to him. I just take the pictures!:)


Carbo family2 said...

ok, if you didn't dress him like this, who did?
And whoever did, we need to talk!

Adrianna said...

oh. good. heavens. another one!!

Haha, Mary Ellen, that one took me a second! At first I thought it was a random thought about a recent visit you had!! It's that brain cell thing again!!

Adrianna said...

BTW, to answer your question, Mommy, NO! It's more like a fashion faux pas!

Adrianna said...

alas, my time will come, and i will be eating all of these words for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack. so i will stop now!

Matt & Nicki said...

OH YES, especially with lots of bella and sophie clothes around!:)