Saturday, January 27, 2007

Frosty Mornings

Sara and Silas playing with the frost on the inside of our bedroom window.


6packB said...

Nic, I'm trying to figure out which window in your apt this is. And is there frost on the INSIDE of the window? I can imagine that happening in your last apt but hopefully not this one! These picts make me miss your kids...

6packB said...

Okay, so it says right there it is your bedroom window on the inside. wow.

Beth said...

This picture is so beautiful! I love the light shining on their faces and the shadows. I LOVE it!

Unknown said...

Sarah really looks like you in this photo! I'm so glad kids can enjoy simple things like frost in a window and not a billion toys and games . . .

Matt & Nicki said...

There are so many times where I am ready to pitch EVERY toy they have-there are some days when NOTHING seems to occupy them! But, I do love the times when the couch becomes a bus and they "go to the game" or Sara pushes her shopping cart around and "buys" half the house!

the J Force said...

Oh the many occassions when the toys we have spent $ on have been strewn to the side and the simple frosty windows or a pack of clothespins can occupy them for hours. Thank the Lord for the simple reminders of how much we DONT need.