We live in a two bedroom apartment, so eventually, if Ezekiel will ever start sleeping through the night, all three of our kids will be in one room. So I asked my good friend Beth Stamper to come over and help get the kids room "updated". I wanted help rearranging pictures putting up some shelves I got at a garage sale, etc. I'm not good with envisioning things so I enlisted her help. Well, she had bigger plans, and went above and beyond simply hanging a few decorations. She "built" me another room. She had plans for a room divider to give Ezekiel a space of his own, so off to Home Depot she went. She came back with a board,some L-brackets, and other small necessities for this project, and left me to paint the board so it would be ready for her next visit. The room is almost finished now, but I have yet to get pictures that are ready to post, so you will have to "stay-tuned" for more updates. I'm excited about the prospect of having a "third bedroom" for the low, low price of about $30.00! Thanks Beth!

1 comment:
Sounds like Beth needs to host her own show - Trading Spaces on a much smaller budget. :) The unfinished project looks great already - can't wait to see it all complete. Beth, wanna come out to Ohio and fix our woe-be-gone decor? :)
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