Friday, July 10, 2009

Pickin' Strawberries

I have wanted to go strawberry picking for the last few summers here in Minnesota, but we just never managed to plan ahead for it. This year, we finally did it. I could have stayed for at least another hour, although, I can't say the same for the rest of my family. The highlight for the kids was the "cow train" pulled by the tractor, and the giant chocolate chip cookie we ate at the little country restaurant. My kids love strawberries, they don't last long in our house and I will only by them in the summer when they are in season and on sale. These berries were delicious--so much better than store bought. We picked enough to eat, freeze, and make Matt's favorite, strawberry pie. I would like to go again next summer,I just wish the picking season was longer. My pictures are all out of order, but you get the idea.

Getting ready to cut 'em up and make some pie!

Being silly at the orchard, while mom is still in the fields picking

The "cow train"

Yummy Strawberries

This kid climbs everywhere--mind you, he isn't walking on his own yet! He wanted those berries so bad. I made the mistake of feeding him one while we were picking and then I couldn't move them away from me fast enough. I tried to contain him, but that, as you see, was NOT happening.
It was only the second day of the season, so the berries were small and some still had white on them, but if you looked hard enough, you could find some good ones!

Our little strawberry scavenger

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