Sunday, July 05, 2009


Our lives these days are filled with more running than normal. Ezekiel has therapy twice a week, plus a visit with the audiologist once a week right now. The deaf and hard of hearing teacher comes to our house once a week to work with Ezekiel, so some weeks we have four appointments in five days not counting the normal day to day errands that I need to run. This particular day we had Ezekiel's regular speech appointment at 11:00 and then some running to do afterwards. I needed to get some things taken out to the car before I loaded up the kids, (I'm always finding myself in need of a couple more hands) so I gave tired little Zeke his pacifier and ran out to the parking lot. I was literally only out there for MAYBE 3 minutes--tops, and by the time I got back inside, this is how I found my little man. Sprawled on the carpet, fast asleep! Poor Guy!

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