Sunday, March 25, 2007

Just catching up on some reading. . .

No, Silas is NOT potty trained, and we haven't started yet either. I learned with Sara that I am NOT forcing this issue until I am ready to stay consistent. I have decided that the PARENT has to be ready to potty train the child, as well as the child being ready to potty train. The potty-chair is out, and he sits on it when he wants to, but other than that we are not pushing anything. Actually, my goal is to start this summer. He will be two-and-a-half in May, so right now we are just getting him used to sitting on the potty chair.


Unknown said...

Thanks for the advice! I'll certainly keep that in mind when I start Chloe. I had hoped to start potty training with her this summer too - she'll be turning 2 in August. Am I naive in thinking she'd be ready this summer? When did Sarah start?

Matt & Nicki said...

NO, you are not naive. . .I started Sara at 28 months and it was a nightmare. . . so we started again at 32 months and she was done in a week--she has NEVER had an accident at night!! There are children who ARE ready at two--whether Sara was or not, I still don't know, BUT I know I was NOT!
I am sure that you have far more patience than I do (I feel like I am seriously lacking in this area) I tend to be a very goal-oriented, type A, perfectionist, personality, so it was not happening in this household. Let me know if you need anymore "tips" :)

Matt & Nicki said...

Sara always thinks he needs a book to look at when he sits on the potty!:)

Anonymous said...

The photo of him reading on the toilet made me giggle. Already a little man in training.